Remember that Sesame Street song, “These are the people in your neighbourhood?”  Well, here’s a feature about the people at your Community Radio station! 

You like to party, and we like to party, so why don’t we party together? 

Join us for... Get to Know a CFCR Volunteer! 

For Get To Know A CFCR Volunteer August 2023, we're featuring Alex "Big Al" Brassard (he/him)! For Alex, CFCR was "always in the periphery". Growing up in Saskatoon, he tuned in a few times over the course of high school and Uni. A few years later, a friend of his became a host and he "followed suit soon after." 

How long have you been an on-air host for?

Since October 2018

Do you have a radio alias you go by?

Big Al!

Why do you volunteer here?

Mostly because I host the Buzz. I get to interview artists and individuals about upcoming shows and events at the same time I get to play the latest and greatest tunes.

What is your favourite thing about CFCR?

Playing local and independant music. Saskatoon has a great music scene and being able to hype up local shows and give shoutouts to folks in the scene is pretty great.

What is your most memorable on-air show?

The first time I had a live performance in studio. The performance was very intimate and it felt great to help them share it with the listeners.

Aside from radio, what else do you like to do?

Playing music (I play bass in an indie rock band called Banastronaut), adventuring with my girlfriend and our dog, and play D&D.

Who’s your favourite local musician?

Single Musician? vbnd. A great producer and a fantastic bassist. Band would be Grimelda; they're weird but they flippin' rock and live shows are not to be missed.

What’s an upcoming Saskatoon event you’re looking forward to?

Hmm, does Shakespeare on The Saskatchewan count? If not then it's the Fringe.

What song do you have on repeat right now?

One of Bombay Bicycle Club's new singles called "My Big Day". 

Click here to listen!