Host & Volunteer

CFCR is always looking for new people to join our team of On-Air Volunteers who are enthusiastic, responsible and eager to make great Community Radio!

Whether you'd like to host one of our exisiting daytime shows (Green Eggs & Ham, The Swing Shift, The Buzz, etc), or if you have a great idea for a brand new Spoken Word, Multicultural or music show, we want to know about it. Hosting at CFCR is a really fun way to discover new music, ideas and new things about our community, all the while bringing top-notch volunteer radio to the city and surrounding area.

If you're not too familiar with CFCR yet, you can listen to us here and have a look at our Program Schedule here.

If you're interested in becoming either a Fill-In Or Regular Host on one of CFCR's existing programs (Green Eggs & HamThe Swing Shift, etc), download the Host Application in Word (.docx) / PDF formats. If you have an idea for a specific show that offers something not currently on CFCR's airwaves, download the Program Proposal (Word (.docx) / PDF). Just fill the form that applies to you out, and email it our Program Director Jay Allen. If you have any questions, you can call Jay at (306) 664-6678 during office hours (Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm). 

CFCR gladly provides on-air studio training, and NO EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED! 

Off-Air Volunteering

There are several ways you can become involved in the station as an off-air volunteer, with various levels of commitment. Follow this link for more information and the application form. Please email if you have any questions after reviewing the form.

CFCR acknowledges that we broadcast from Treaty 6 Territory, the homeland of the Cree and Métis Nations, and the traditional territories of the Dene, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota. We pay our gratitude to the First Nations and Métis people who have called this ancestral land home for generations, and whose histories, languages, and cultures continue to influence our community. On a foundation of reconciliation, recognition, and respect, CFCR is committed to reaffirming relationships with one another, and to establishing new ones.  

Community Radio would like to thank the following organizations for their support: